Scholars Education & Welfare Academy is a Non-Profit organization registered under Section-8 of the companies act 2013 (18 of 2013) and Rule 8 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014. We are thankful to all our donors who contribute to our noble work through monetary or material help. We maintain a strict donor privacy policy to protect the integrity and privacy of personal information gathered from our supporters and visitors through all of our communication channels. Scholars Education & Welfare Academy does not sell, exchange or rent your personal information to any organization or individual. We will not divulge personal information to any other organization or individual other than that necessary to transact, fulfill, and or account for online donations that you have authorized.
The following Privacy Policy sets forth our understanding with you on the collection, use, and protection of your Personal Information. Please read the entire Privacy Policy.

A. What Information do we collect
Your Personal Information that we collect may comprise the following:
a) your name
b) your age
c) your occupation
d) a user ID and password of your choice
e) your email and mailing address
f) your telephone number
g) your payment processing details
h) limited personal details
i) Any other data as Scholars Education & Welfare Academy may require
B. How we Use This Information
We use the information that you provide in the following ways,

  1. To Process your Donations.
  2. To send you inter alia emails, features, promotional material, surveys, brochures, catalogs, Annual reports, and regular updates on the utilization of donations by the Scholars Education & Welfare Academy.
  3. To send you a thank you note for your donation or volunteering.
  4. To respond to your questions or comments about Scholars Education & Welfare Academy.
    C. Copyright Protection
    All content on this Site including graphics, text, icons, interfaces, audio clips, logos, images, and software is the property of Scholars Education & Welfare Academy and/or its content suppliers. The arrangement and compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this Site is the exclusive property of Scholars Education & Welfare Academy and protected by Indian copyright laws. Any use including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, of the content on this Site, can only be made with the expressed permission of Scholars Education & Welfare Academy.