In the Spirit of Ramadan, Extend a Helping Hand to Sajida and Tarique for Their Livelihood and Eid Celebration

Short Brief

1. Raising funds for sister Sajida, a widow who lives in rented accommodation in Jasola Vihar, New Delhi. She is a nurse who looks after sick and old people privately. Unfortunately, she hasn’t had a job and difficulty raising her kids for the last few months. Both the kids are school-going and underage to do any work. Apart from that, her house rent has also been pending for the last 3 months, which is 5k per month.
Target: 25K

2. We are also Raising funds for Mohd Tarique, a native of UP who lives in Delhi. He lost his job a few months back and had no means of earning money as his father was also sick back in the village. Father is on dialysis right now, and they have had no means of earning for the past few months. He is going through time; his house rent is also pending for the past 4 months, which is 4k per month.
Target: 22K
Assist both families and ease their problems so they can pass the last Ashra of Ramadan and celebrate the Eid ul Fitr Peacefully. ”







Campaign closed

We are reaching out to support two families in need during these challenging times.

  1. Support for Sister Sajida: Sister Sajida, a widow residing in rented accommodation in Jasola Vihar, New Delhi, has been facing significant hardships lately. Despite working as a nurse, providing care for the sick and elderly, she has encountered difficulties securing a steady income. As a result, she has been struggling to meet the needs of her two school-going children. With unpaid house rent accumulating over the past three months, amounting to 5,000 rupees monthly, Sister Sajida’s financial situation has become increasingly dire.

We aim to raise 25,000 rupees to alleviate the financial burdens weighing on Sister Sajida and her family. Your generous contributions will help them overcome their immediate challenges and celebrate Eid ul Fitr with peace and dignity.

  1. Support for Mohd Rashid (name changed): Mohd Rashid, a resident of Delhi originally from Uttar Pradesh, is facing similar struggles. Following the loss of his job several months ago, coupled with his father’s illness requiring dialysis treatment, Mohd Rashid has been unable to provide for his family. With no source of income, their financial situation has become increasingly precarious. The unpaid rent for their home, totalling 4,000 rupees per month, has accumulated over the past four months, adding to their burden.

We aim to raise 22,000 rupees to assist Mohd Rashid and his family during this challenging period. Your support will allow them to navigate these difficult times and experience the joy of Eid ul Fitr without the weight of financial stress.

Your contributions, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in the lives of these families. Let us unite as a community to extend our support and compassion to those in need, allowing them to observe the last Ashra of Ramadan and celebrate Eid ul Fitr with peace and dignity.

Thank you for your generosity and kindness.